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AR packaging

Written by Liisa Mathlin | Mar 22, 2023 12:56:19 PM

Do you have a product you sell? Does it have packaging? Would you like to include more in the packaging, but there's simply not enough space?

Take full advantage of your product packaging and harness it into a launchpad for engaging and immersive content!

Product AR packaging
Price range €€
Who? FMCG, Marketing, Branding
Why? Delight your audience with a virtual experience for better brand engagement.


Transform your product packaging into a launchpad for a virtual and interactive experience with augmented reality.

Offer your customers more value - educational, entertainment, or whatever you want! Product packaging enhanced with AR content engages your customers in your brand message for several minutes. Grasp their interest, keep them focused on you - and you only - and keep their loyalty for longer.

Integrate your immersive content into a campaign for better customer activation and elevated brand recall.

An AR experience launching from your product's packaging:

  • Exclusive content for your true fans
  • Transform your product's back story or sustainability actions into an engaging and interesting experience
  • Delight your clients by interacting and connecting with them in a new way

  • Or anything you can think of!

Today, AR is accessible through mobile browsers. You simply add a QR code to your packaging and invite your customers to experience more with you. 

Check what the frozen pizza brand Grandiosa did with a folk duo here.