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Online showroom for product presentation

Written by Liisa Mathlin | May 25, 2023 11:13:45 AM

Do you have a product to sell? Would you like to present it online with more context? Showcase it in an online space!

Create the perfect mix of online and the real by adding augmented reality and give your sales a boost.

Product Online showroom for product presentation
Price range € - €€
Who? Sales, marketing, branding
Why? Present your product online with more context. Add background story, the journey from manufacturer to customer, user manuals, instructions, creative use cases, and much more with an online space.


Your product deserves to be seen in a way that complements it - not as a tiny part of a massive but plain online catalogue. Put your product on a pedestal and let it shine!

Tie your product and your brand closer together. Tell a story that attracts, engages and is worth remembering. Online showroom for product presentation is the modern-day fiddling; your customers can get to know you and the product's features at their own pace and space.

Add augmented reality for your customers to see your product in their own environment for increased engagement.

Your online showroom for product presentation:

  • Showcase every unique bit of your product, your journey, or whatever you wish to highlight
  • Add video, 3D, images, text, and audio to create a wholesome experience for your audience
  • Play with dimensions; make huge parts small, and scale tiny bits and pieces bigger to draw attention to details
  • Make your sales team's life a bit easier - no need to carry products along when meeting clients while preserving the spatial context

  • And more!

Get your online showroom for product presentation now and take your sales to the next level!

See an example of an online product presentation here.